Add Picture to Video
How to Add a Picture to a Video for free?

Thomas Choi• 4 min read

<p>Whether you are learning video editing or getting into to become a content creator, adding a picture to your video is the most basic step towards it.</p><p>This article is a quick guide to add a picture to your video using different methods.</p><p>Let's start with the easiest way to add a picture to your video: </p><h2 id="method-1how-to-add-a-picture-to-a-video-using-jupitrr">Method 1 - How to Add a Picture to a Video using Jupitrr?</h2><p>Jupitrr is an easy to use video editing tool made specifically for content creators to make their videos interesting. It lets you add stock clips or images to your video or upload your own to it.</p><p>The best part is that you can add Pictures to your video for free using Jupitrr.</p><p>To put a picture over a Video using Jupitrr, all you need to do is:</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="Adding a clip or a picture to your video using Jupitrr" loading="lazy" width="600" height="373" srcset=" 600w"><figcaption><span style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Adding a clip or a picture to your video using Jupitrr</span></figcaption></figure><ol><li>Go to <strong>Jupitrr AI Video</strong></li><li>Upload your video</li><li><strong>Highlight</strong> the part in the caption where you want to add the picture</li><li>Click on <strong>"Upload image/video"</strong></li><li>Select the image you want to add</li><li>Click <strong>"Open"</strong></li></ol><p>And in these 6 steps, you can add a picture to your video using Jupitrr's AI Video.</p><div class="kg-card kg-button-card kg-align-center"><a href="" class="kg-btn kg-btn-accent">Try Jupitrr now! (It's Free)</a></div><h2 id="method-2how-to-add-a-picture-to-a-video-using-premiere-pro">Method 2 - How to Add a Picture to a Video using Premiere Pro?</h2><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="Adding picture to a video using Premiere Pro " loading="lazy" width="1850" height="1016" srcset=" 600w, 1000w, 1600w, 1850w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"><figcaption><span style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Adding picture to a video using Premiere Pro (Credit: Saj Adibs - Filmmaking Mentor on YouTube)</span></figcaption></figure><p>Most professionals use Adobe Premiere Pro for editing. If you are one of them or if you are leaning Premiere Pro, the process becomes slightly lengthy. However, as Prermiere Pro is an old editor, you get other options with it to make your video creative. </p><p>Note: This is not a free method and you might need to buy Premiere Pro</p><p>Here is how to add picture to Video using Premiere Pro:</p><ol><li>Open your Premiere Pro project.</li><li>In the Project panel, right-click and select Import or use the shortcut Ctrl + I.</li><li>Choose the image you want to add and click Open.</li><li>Drag your image to the Timeline.</li><li>Place the Playhead where you want the image to appear.</li><li>Drag your image from the Project panel to the Timeline.</li><li>By default, the image will have the same duration as the video clip. To change the duration, right-click the image on the Timeline, select Speed/Duration, and adjust the duration as needed.</li><li>Select the image on the Timeline. In the Effect Controls panel, adjust the Scale to fit the frame. Use the Position controls to place the image where you want it.</li><li>You can add transitions or effects to the image by applying them from the Effects panel.</li><li>Once you’re satisfied with the image placement, export your video using the desired settings.</li></ol><p>And that is how you can add a picture to your video using Premiere Pro.</p><p>However, if you do not have access to Premiere Pro, you can either <a href=""><strong>try Jupitrr</strong></a> or our next method.</p><hr><p><strong>Also read: </strong><a href=""><strong>How to add Music to your YouTube Shorts?</strong></a></p><hr><h2 id="method-3how-to-add-a-picture-to-a-video-using-imovie">Method 3 - How to add a Picture to a Video using iMovie?</h2><p>If you are a Apple fanboy, then using iMovie over any other editing tool would be a natural choice. While iMovie is not the best video editing tool, it gets the job done.</p><p>Here is how to add a picture to your video using iMovie:</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="" class="kg-image" alt="How to add picture to a video using iMovie" loading="lazy" width="1000" height="650" srcset=" 600w, 1000w" sizes="(min-width: 720px) 720px"><figcaption><span style="white-space: pre-wrap;">How to add picture to a video using iMovie</span></figcaption></figure><ol><li>Open iMovie on your Mac or iPhone.</li><li>Create a new project or open an existing one.</li><li>Import your video footage and the picture you want to add by dragging and dropping it into the timeline.</li><li>Select the picture you want to overlay on your video from your files.</li><li>Drag the picture onto the timeline, placing it where you want it to appear.</li><li>Add it on top of the video.</li><li>You can add transitions and other effects if you want.</li><li>Export the video</li></ol><p>But if you do not have a PC or an iPhone, you can still add pictures to your video using our next method.</p><h2 id="method-4how-to-add-picture-to-video-using-mobile-app">Method 4 - How to add Picture to Video using Mobile app</h2><p>While iMovie is available on iPhone, if you do not want to use it or have an android try these app to add pictures to your video:</p><ul><li>InShot</li><li>VITA</li><li>Filmora</li><li>KineMaster</li><li>VivaCut</li><li>Splice</li><li>Picsart</li></ul><p>These are easy to use mobile apps available on iPhone as well as Andoird. You can easily add pictures to your video using these mobile apps.</p><h2 id="final-words">Final Words</h2><p>While using an app seems like a good idea, it takes time and also your phone storage. Why not just do it online?</p><div class="kg-card kg-button-card kg-align-center"><a href="" class="kg-btn kg-btn-accent">Try using Jupitrr now for Free</a></div>